Thursday, December 2, 2010

Plans for winter break

Over winter break I plan on largely resolving my print pieces so that I can spend next semester focusing on my website. More importantly however, I plan on figuring out exactly how I am going to tackle the website. This includes resolving how the site will look, how it will function, and researching means to accomplish what I want the site to do that fall within my budget. I plan on soaking up as much info as I can on php, javascript and other routes that will ultimately lead to my end goal.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have started sketching out variations of how the site could look and I am in the process of building some mock ups in photoshop. I have a class critique next week on the 7th and I want to have several things to look at. I would like to have some business card and letterhead mock ups as well. The sooner I get the design set in stone the sooner I can start building out the site, which at this point looks like it will be a fairly daunting task. I want to allow enough time next semester to write code for the site because I am fairly unfamiliar with coding for web at this time. I know that this site will have to have e-commerce functionality and be linked to a parts database. I am sure that there are other components that will need to be coded, but I will address those as they come.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Business Cards

Looking for a manufacturer that can do engraved aluminum business cards. Two stand out at this point but the prices are very high. I am going to contact both companies and find out if they will do a smaller quantity. If not than I may be forced find someone that can machine a few locally. I don't want to abandon the idea so if push comes to shove I may be able to keep the look of a black brushed aluminum card while using plastic.