Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Right now I am in the process of sketching out ideas for the logo design. I have narrowed the options down to two, fission and singularity.

Fission: The process whereby one item splits to become two; The process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into smaller particles. Fission of Heavy elements produce large amounts of energy. Fission represents power or potential power and is relevant to the computer industry because the name of the game is computing power. At this point fission is easier to work with in term of representing it visually.

Singularity: A technological singularity is a hypothetical event occurring when technological progress becomes so extremely rapid that it makes the future after the singularity qualitatively different and harder to predict. An example could be the creating of superhuman artificial intelligence or the discovery of alien technology. Singularity is somewhat of an abstract concept and I am struggling to wrap my head around it, however I feel that the concept says a lot about technology and I like this name better than fission. Visually representing this concept will prove to be very challenging.

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