Thursday, September 16, 2010


Right now I am pounding my way through the research process. It has been about a year since I have built a computer and in the technology world that may as well be a thousand years. I am working re-acclimate myself to the new hardware that is out now. I am working on creating four base builds priced at 600, 1200, 2200, and 3200 in order to cover the whole range of potential buyers. These base builds will of course be upgradeable and customizable for additional money. Upgrades can include extended storage, faster/more ram, integration of liquid cooling, processor upgrades, etc. In an effort to remain realistic about this project I am limiting myself to existing computer cases available and will not be designing the case itself as I do not have access to the resources needed to complete industrial design. I do not think this will be a problem as there is a plethora of case designs out there for me to select from in order to fit the aesthetic of my company.However, my company will offer customized paintjobs or anodizing for the cases they select in order to make it theirs or fit to fit their personal tastes. Other customization options can include lighting, cable management colors, and fan colors. 

I have an idea in my head about how I want my company to feel and I have been tossing around name ideas and doing some rough sketches of logos. It seems to help me when I get wrapped up in the technical aspect of selecting hardware to break and brainstorm about how this company will look. I hope to have my research completed in a week or two so I can begin working on the identity of my company full time. I am excited about this project and I can't wait to see it in it's final form

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